One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Beneath the wild garden waits to grow...

Just a quick update, I'm currently in Rawene on the West coast of North Island north of Auckland on Hokianga Harbor. I traveled up from Auckland Tuesday to Rawene & then caught the ferry to KohuKohu where I've been staying with some lovely people as a WWOOFer (a program where people work on organic farms for food & board). It is really beautiful here and I have learnt alot about gardening as well as some more easy to make vegan dishes. All the people I have met have been really nice especially the two ladies that I stayed with. They are both pescitarians who are very kind & caring & passionate about the environment and local area. The property has alot of bush, two dams, fruit trees, vegetables and aesthetic plants. The weather hasn't been the best but still fairly good for winter. I helped with transplanting of plants, weeding, setting soil up for planting in the spring, collected pinecones & stones for paving amongst other stuff. The area is very hilly with some beautiful views of the surrounding hills and the harbour (& the pine monoculture... but don't start on that!). They also make their own chutneys, pickles and fruit wines. The boysenberry wine is really nice... and I'm someone who doesn't drink alcohol! For the first time in a long time I've been content & happy.

Off to the East coast to the Bay of Islands now on the bus. More later.


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