One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Thursday, July 29, 2004


Trampoline is a gelato store. Almost half of their range are dairy free sorbets (including the delicious caramel pear flavour) and they have a fountain of chocolate. Yes, a fountain of flowing, melted, rich chocolate. They sell chocolate shots.

Needless to say by the food description I am in Melbourne & Trampoline is on Brunswick Street. It is yet another addition to the "food places you must go to whilst in Melbourne" list, which is now rather long. Last time I was in Melbourne I was working every day so thankfully only managed to put on a kilo from fine eating in the 5 or so weeks I was here. Thankfully for my waist I am leaving on Saturday for Auckland.

I arrived on Tuesday night & got to spend time with the ever lovely Sharon and Danny who have kindly offered me a spare room for a few nights. Wednesday was spent relaxing and chatting to Danny before I managed not to kill Sharon and myself with dinner. (culinary note: paprika, soy sauce, sweet chilli, ginger and a mountain of garlic is a excellent stir fry sauce) I really have enjoyed getting to know both of them alot better.

Today was spent reordering my plane food (for some reason I was accidentally put down as lacto instead of dairy free... but ended up having a suitable main anyhow) I also went to Vegan Wares so one or the rivets in my boots could be fixed (they now have itty bitty baby shoes & myself & the owner discussed cluckiness and why it would be cool to have a baby for the itty bitty shoes!) Also picked up group certificates from places I used to work & said hello to the people there. Had a wander about Fitzroy which was rather enjoyable. Will be catching up with Jason for lunch tomorrow (hopefully) & will be spending the next couple of nights with Rob. Many other people I will not get the chance to see so if any of you are reading this, my apologies.

I am currently unemployed. This is a very interesting concept as I have not been unemployed since I was 16 and am usually a workaholic holding down multiple jobs. I am definitely seeing the enjoyment of this relaxing thing people do :P


  • At Saturday, July 31, 2004 5:22:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    *grumbles at blogger for not allowing us in insert names for "anonymous" posts*

    Being unemployed is fine for a while, but it's good to get a job. Oh, by the way, I have a job! :P And it's actually in the GIS field, for once :) GIS Operator at GHDFroggy

  • At Saturday, July 31, 2004 7:49:00 am, Blogger moonbug said…


    Congrats for totally missing the point. I am a recovering workaholic and am going to enjoy it until I get my sorry arse back home to Perth where (unlike some people) I will not do endless TAFE/uni courses in order to get austudy or some other government benifit because I'm too slack to get a job.

    Froggy please refrain from commenting here again. You irritate me.

  • At Monday, August 09, 2004 10:21:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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