One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A Five Minute Update

It has been picking up it's only moderately cold rather than bitterly freezing :) Otherwise been having alot of fun in between the large amounts of work, I've only had one day off since I've been here (self imposed due to illness) and often have double shifts making me a tired little moonbug...

Off to dinner with Jason tonight most probably to the White Lotus which is a Asian Vegetarian place. Jason (bless his little heart) has printed off the list of Melbourne vegetarian places and is slowly working his way through it. During my stay I have been helping him complete the task of trying the masses of vegie food Melbourne has to offer (the things I do for friends *sigh*). We went to Soul Mama at the St Kilda Baths for Sunday lunch which had wonderful mains (very, very filling... the Miso Eggplant was fab!) and most importantly vegan desserts. I had mango kiwi sago which was sweet but refreshing. The view was great & then we went for a walk along St Kilda Beach as the weather was nice and later explored bookshops. So many books, so little baggage space.

Well, one boy, Simon shall be here and be inflicted with vegetarian food on Friday :) He mentioned he didn't really eat dessert because of the no dairy thing. I will most likely be a very bad influence. Continuum should be very fun however.

*hugs to all of you who deserve it*


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