One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Sunday, August 01, 2004


Just been reading Aristotle's blog while waiting for the hostel kitchen to clear so I can cook dinner.

When we met, about a year ago, we had an instant connection (our mutal love of vegan wares, vegetarian orgasm cake, SF, reading, science, geek toys, environment etc etc pretty much guarenteed that... I love my fellow hippy-geeks) . He has been on the recieving end of more than one interstate call & always is excited when I say I'm visiting (the time he said he was going to slaughter a herd of cantelope in my honour was one of the most amusing) He's someone I always make time for and he's shown me alot of cool things (such as draining) and is very fun (such as threating to throw me in the pond on a sugar high).

However just reading through his blog I have learnt how simmilar we are regarding our views on relationships, intamacy and regret. It's rather creepy.

*big bug hugs for Aristotle*


  • At Wednesday, August 04, 2004 4:52:00 am, Blogger Aristotle said…

    :) You're so far away right now, however even through the electronic ether your cyber-hugs feel as warm and cuddly coming from the flurescence of this monitor as they did last friday night.

    Thanks :)

    *Alas ancient greek (geek?) philosophers only have two arms for hugging... anyhoo geeky hugs back*


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