One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Most favourite time of the year...

So it´s almost the end of 2004 and New Years Eve is tommorrow, which is my favourite time of the year. Other than marking the end of December (my least favourite month) I like the freshness of the celibration and welcoming of another 52 weeks. Sure I know in the grand scheme of things it´s just another night, and the calendar is a human made system. But it is one time I enjoy sharing with people and I usually find time to think about what was sucky in the year past and how to fix it. I guess we all need to stop and reflect about the good and bad stuff in our lives and for me New Years is a good time to do it. I don´t make formal resolutions with a date stamp but I do identify things I would like to fix or change. And there are usually pretty good parties and gatherings as well. Have heard of at least 6 gatherings in Perth, but am not sure how I will be spending the turning over of the clock a whole 11 hours later. Probably a beach party.

Class went fairly well today, next week I will have another volunteer working with me which should be good too.

For those of you concerned your donations will be going to administrative costs rather than people I suggest you donate to Food For Life who have stated that all donations will be given directly to victims. Having met their director at IVU I can say they do heaps of good work around the world, staying in areas the Red Cross has even left and providing meals to the poor and those in need. In Sri Lanka they are already providing 5000 hot meals a day to Tsunami victims.

And an interesting article on animal deaths. Or lack thereof. So who was the smartest species again?


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