One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Friday, December 24, 2004

And what have you done...

Well, bah humbug!

Things are going along nicely, not much to report, though today was spent shopping and being girlie (well more girlie than usual- I now own hair clips) as the Tourist Centre was closed so I didn´t have to go to work. My class are pretty cool (in the way bouncy 14-17 year olds are) and we went to the top of one of the many hills here to eat tapioca pancakes after work yesterday.

On Monday I helped throw a Christmas party for some kids who live in the Favellas with some of the other volunteers. We discovered that Brazillians do not know what pass the parcel is (we had to explain- in portugese- to the kids). Also discovered Americans don´t either as it also had to be explained to one of the volunteers from the US. It was decided that they clearly had a deprived upbringing. There was cake, dancing, lollies (not candy, not sweets damnit!), guarana (soft drink of choice), a rather violent version of musical chairs and much fun. This was run from a soup kitchen that one of the local ladies organises from her house. Once a week she makes big pots of soup for the poor families in the surrounding area and she likes volunteers to come along and play with the kids for the afternoon. She isn´t well off, but still does this for other people which is wonderful.

On Tuesday night we went out to watch a open air Afro-Brazillian drumming show which another volunteer is part of and we will be watching her band again later tonight. Also found a place that sells Carnaval costumes which was pretty neat as well. Much glitter, sequins, flowers and feathers. Dancing classes are going okay, I still have two left feet though!

The Atlantic is still blue, the sun is still warm, the breeze is still lovely, the palm trees are still tall. Beach tommorrow. Feliz Natal to you all!


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