One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Just in case the Mafia get me

Still in Auckland, just booked my accommodation for tomorrow night in Hong Kong and received a email from the hostel which has the ever catchy line in the directions:

"Please take the "ELEVATOR No.5" to the 14th FLOOR directly, don't trust any people on the street, they may be mafia and make you trouble! So, do not follow any of them!"

Well, now that's a way to make your guests feel safe and secure!

Came back to Auckland yesterday and met some nice Irish people whilst waiting for the bus. Ran around today changing flight details (20 minutes wait on the phone to talk to a incompetent call centre person who was totally useless). Would like to plug the nice people at STA who were very helpful and pointed me in the right direction for this. Also the nice man at Cathy Pacific who didn't charge me to change my flights (unlike certain other airlines who have a crap phone service).

Decided to go to one of the places recommended from Happycow called "Raw Power" (1st floor, 10 Vulcan Lane, Auckland city). Despite the name they do actually do cooked foods. The pumpkin soup with garlic bread and hommus was a tasty lunch (the hommus being one of the best I have ever tasted). Dessert wise they have a very moist vegan chocolate cake (covered in coconut and dried apricots and sticky fudge icing) for a mere NZ$3.50 a slice which is highly recommended. Yesterday I wandered into the SAFE (Save Animals From Explotation) store where I got into a long rant about the joys of Vegan Wares with the nice girl who works there. They also have vegan chocolate. Also went to the Hare Krishna place for a cheap lunch/dinner too. Both are on K Road.

So yes well hmm... Still puzzled/frustrated with this grammar course, am tempted to chuck it in to be honest. Really is there anyone out there who can seriously explain adverbs and contexts and tenses and all this other stuff?


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