One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Saturday, August 21, 2004

As I watch the madness of the world below...

Still in Hong Kong, currently at "The Peak" which consists of a lovely walking trail through the tropical forest, two really big shopping centres and a tram to take you to the top. It's one of the highest points on Hong Kong Island. It also has some great views of the city and Victoria Harbor. Don't worry I have lots of pictures.

Hong Kong does shopping in a big way, which would be great if I was a shopaholic, but I'm not. It's also the shopping festival at the moment. Wandering around it in the heat is great (yay heat! yay mugginess!) though slightly crazy at times and the shopping centres are ginourmous selling shops specialising on just about everything one can imagine. Still the cityscape is amazing, especially at night when it's a mass of pretty coloured lights.

They have a spiffy museum pass which allows you entry to about half a dozen museums/galleries over a week. I tackled the Science Museum (a hands on wonderland of learning fun) which had a small but fabulous geography section including an ancient seismography which looks like a fancy copper statue with dragons & frogs. However when a small ball is balanced inside when there is an earthquake it rolls out & you can determine where the epicentre and strength of the earthquake is. Okay so I can't expalin it all that well without diagrams. But it was really cool. Honest. And maps. And those funky magic eye pictures (yes in the geography section). Currently they have a special exibition on the human body with lots of pickled and preserved human bits. Including resin displays of different systems and pickled foetuses. The cross sections of torso reminded me of bacon.

Opposite the Science Museum is the Museum of History which has an 8 gallery perminant display of Hong Kong history from prehistoric times through to the 1997 hand over to China. Really interesting and heaps of work went into it, so highly recomended if you have any interest in the development of HK.

So yes, still alive and kicking on with a iced lemon tea. How's all of you lot going?


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