One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Movin' Right Along...

So I finished up my last day at small country town school yesterday. Given I had been slowly cleaning up over the past week I didn't have alot to do after the champange breakfast but helped with the movement of furniture between rooms. On Wednesday night was presentation night.

It's annoying when your neighbours play bad country music in the middle of the night. It's bad when they have drunken, screaming domestics over the top. It's terrible when you have to teach their children. And when they turn up pissed to the schools presentation night and sit next to their child (instead of with the other parents) you really have to cringe.

On Thursday we had the pre-primary assembly which was really cute and the leavers had a waterfight on the lawn outside the school. Then two students had a brawl in class 10 minutes before the bell. I happen to be the duty-of-care person at the time, despite it not being my class. Why couldn't they have waited 10 more minutes, really? The day was finished with much alcohol consumption. It is hilarious to have conversations with ones boss when both of you are tipsy.

I move in a week back to the city. Let's see how long it will be for me to get sick of it again.

In other news I have three months work at large city private school next year (Term 1). I wasn't sure if I would take it but given the Department were rude to my inquires on the phone I decided to go with it. That and a long list of pros and cons, discussions with my boss, a couple of workmates, Nevryn, my folks and several friends. The travel thing helped.

I have made a decision that, assumming I can get the money together by mid year (and I'm already a third of the way there), I will be going to IVU India and then continue on to become yet another Aussie in the UK for a period of time. This is mostly because I've been meaning to do this for literally years (the world wide teacher shortage was a contributing factor to me doing the Dip. Ed.) and the longer I wait the more difficult it will become.

I get to meet my Head Of Learning Area on Monday, which I am looking forward to. It will be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off and have some sort of guidance with what I should been teaching. And I don't have to teach english- yay!