One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Friday, November 25, 2005

Shiney Happy People...

Today has been terrible. I am itching to find out about what I am doing next year work wise, the kids are ratty as it's end of term, I'm tired, a few students really ticked me off this morning and my tollerance for bad behaviour is low.

So in Year One this afternoon I decided that we should make Christmas cards because even though I am in running for the Miss Scrooge of the Year Award the little kids love it and it keeps them amused. I took down stickers and card and figured I would work with the craft stuff that they have there.

One of those things was glitter.

Now I am trained to teach high school students, so the once a week in Year One gig that I have is in a whole new arena. The behaviour management has been totally different (If you clap, they respond- how neat is that?), as have the questions (Can I take my jumper off Miss?), as have the complants (He poked his tounge out at me!) and the general ability (What do you mean you can't read?) Most of this I've figured out by myself with a couple of hints along the way.

Now given I was thrown in the deep end with this there is something I really want to ask and that is:


Given there were several big jars of the stuff in the room I thought it was a safe thing. This is not true. Glitter is a terrible, terrible thing that covers every square millimetre that it touches and it spreads and it can't be moved easily. It can't be scopped out without becomming ingrained into anything and anyone it touches. And six year olds think it's the greatest thing in the world.

There is now a class of Year Ones and a teacher covered head to toe with tiny sparkly stuff and the cleaner is probably going to have a heart attack the moment she walks into the room.

Now where's a drink...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Golden brown...

You know you're living in the country reason 184:

You go to the school disco and they play "I'd Like To Have a Beer With Duncan" by Slim Dusty...

And all the kids (even the little 5 year olds) know all the words. You know this because they are all singing along!

Went for a drive with Nevryn yesterday, it's amazing to see how the landscape has changed so quickly. Only a few weeks ago we had green rolling hills. A few weeks before that a patchwork of different crops. Different shades of green mixed with squares of golden canola. Now it's all golden brown and dry with the fields full of hay bales and a few sheep chewing at the stubble. The bird life has changed too. Lots of cockatoos right now and more kookaburras than before.

Oh and my potato plants have sprouted through the soil, which for some reason makes me rather happy.