One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Keep my things they´ve come to take me home...

I am at the 36th IVU Congress in Florinoplis, Brazil. In the first two hours of being here on Monday afternoon I met more vegans than I ever have in the entriely of the previous part of my life. There are two cooking streams and five talks at any oen time, so I am totally spoilt for choice. The food is excellent- I have to cut back on the three helpings at every meal! The venue is lovely- there are these cute little owls that nest in a burrow in the ground and I can see the Atlantic from my window. The weather is crap, but you can´t have everything. So many interesting people. Here are some highlights so far:

* This morning over breakfast I had a discussion about the chemistry behind folate and B12.
* There were children from a vegetarian school who did a performance at the opening ceremony.
* Going to the beach with a Spanish raw fooder and two American vegans.
* Having two London vegans spend most of lunch yesterday trying to convince me that I should move to London to live with them and work in the local vegan co-op.
* Learning more about vegetarian food relief (where the Red Cross have pulled out Food For Life has stayed)
* Staying up last night til 2am chatting to people, including a 17 year old raw fooder.
* Meeting online friends in person. I am dubbed "the fish girl" because of my email sign off.
* Cooking workshops with lots of garlic.
* Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner!

People who you can have a sane conversation with. People who will only be offering you vegan food because that´s only what they eat. People who are fun and enthusiastic. People who are happy to share knowledge and love.

There are people who actually get it!


  • At Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:19:00 am, Blogger Aristotle said…

    No! Dagnammit we found you first! You're our Veganic Moonbug - and no we can't share you with any country!

    Glad you're having fun, no really I am, just remember where your veganic roots are ;)

    PS: Speaking of weather we've only had one day without rain here in Melbourne in two weeks - folks are very relieved about this over here because for the previous 4-5 years the spring rains just haven't arrived.

    PPS: Tell me about folate and B12 sometime - we've been learning bits and pieces about them this year.


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