One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Eating it up in São Paulo.

WARNING: this post contains lots of references to food.

So on Monday I caught the bus from Curitiba to São Paulo. São Paulo is big. There are somewhere between 12 and 20 million people living in this city (it blends into all the surrounding cities so it´s hard to come up with a exact place where it stops). But big can be good. The hostel is nice and located in the porn store/cinema district, so very convienient. If I have a urge to look at porn that is.

Alan, one of the UK vegans I met at the conf changed his flight so we got to catch up. Hung out on Monday afternoon, eventually found a place for dinner and tried to meet up with Alex (who runs VeggieGuides) but didn´t due to flights. On Tuesday we made it out to the cafe where Lucas (vegan online friend, general fantastic person) works and chatted to him over lunch before going for a walk and trying to find a park with grass that we could sit on. Failed, but still had a good time before he had to leave to go back to London.

Spent Wednesday again with Lucas for lunch. Vegethus rocks and they have great chocolate truffles that rival Constant Cravings and vegan caramel pudding. Oh and some healthy stuff like the vegan pizza with tofu topping. Generally speaking here most restaurants offer a buffet for lunch (and sometimes dinner if they are open) which is either all you can eat or pay by weight. So I´m not going hungry- they all have salad, rice and beans (and that´s the non veg places). So much for starving on the road- at this rate you´ll have to roll me off the plane! Checked out the Lotus for lunch today, which was less vegan friendly but still very good, a few of the mock meat asian dishes that remind me of just about every place in Perth. Also went out to a ice cream place that does a big range of soya ice cream this afternoon. If you were the kid that loved the dessert bar at Sizzler, this is the place for you. It is essentially make your own ice cream sundae with half a dozen toppings plus nuts, sprinkles, fruit etc plus a range of over 20 flavours of ice cream (vegan and dairy for those of you who haven´t been weaned). And they had vegan chocolate mousse.

To combat the large amounts of chocolate consumed I took a local dance class this evening which was great fun. I even managed to get a few of the steps correct!

On Tuesday evening I went to see a play with one of the girls I am sharing a room with. It was really good. I couldn´t understand most of it, but since when have I let something like language get in the way of a good time? Took a formal Portugese class yesterday evening to help with my pronounciation and feel I am butchering the language a little less.

Off to Paratay tommorrow for a couple of days. Pronounced par-a-chee, rather than par-a-tay. Hopefully will be doing a little partaying there.

In other food related news some of the pictures from the conference are up. So for all you philistines who wonder what vegans eat, and all you vegans who I want to make envious have a look here for the answer.


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