One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Friday, October 29, 2004

Airline woes.

You see the thing is I am currently in Madrid, Spain. And the trip to Madrid was just for a couple of days as a quick stopover before going to Brazil. This is because of my funky airline ticket giving me all these little flights that I may as well take advantage of because well I am paying for them. And I have never been to Madrid before and that is a good excuse as any to go there. But the thing is I am now stuck here an extra 12 hours.

Twelve hours isn´t that much really in the grand scheme of things. However it means I need to find another nights accomodation somewhere. It also means I get into Rio in the evening instead of the morning. I prefer to arrive during the day to places I am not familliar with. It means just that much long to South America.

All in all these are slightly annoying things.

However for me to actually work this out several things had to have happened.

Firstly when I changed my flights in London the girl stuck a flight change thing on my Madrid-Rio ticket, I looked at this yesterday and went hmmm that's no good, I rather liked the flight I was previously booked on why did she do that. So I went to no less than two counters at Rome airport to see what had happened. They suggested I sort it out when I got to Madrid. Fair enough, it was with a Spanish airline after all.

After the flight that was half an hour late and was foodless (as I felt €2 was far too much for a small packet of peanuts) I was in Madrid. I spoke to no less than 5 different people over three levels of the airport (lugging my 17kg pack) before I found out that Iberia just changed the time of the flight on that day and there were no other flights with seats at suitable or unsuitable times before then. And that is just tough bikkies if I actually needed to be in Rio say on the afternoon of Monday.

Which I don't have to, but I want to be.

I am curious as to what would have happened if I hadn´t chaged my fligths in London and just rocked up to the airport on Sunday night as I planned.

That is all.

You should all go to Rome as it is very beautiful and had wonderful food and weather.


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