One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Melting clocks and the like

To combat not feeling too crash hot of late I decided to treat myself to lunch out at one of the vegie places on Happy Cow. My body now likes me after I fed it much wholegrains, tofu and organic vegies. Amazing what a good feed can do if you are feeling a bit low. They also have pot set soy yoghurt here which I am very impressed about. And it seems all of Europe has vegan puddings (sorta like a thicker version of yogo) which are very junkie but yummy too.

Also went and looked at a couple of art museums in the afternoon. The first I went to was Museo del Prado which had more old school art, marble sculptures, a few things by Raphael and lots and lots of religious paintings. I was all crucifixed out by the end of it. Not too bad I must say, though I am hardly an art critic.

The second was Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. It has work both by Dali and Picasso as well as a lot of photography and mostly modern art. I was happy to discover Dali does more than melting clocks (melting clocks are very cool, but nice to see a big range of his styles shown) and I must say Picasso is kinda overated. Alot of his stuff is funky and some of the shadowing would have taken ages to perfect. But they had stuff that looked just like his doodlings framed on the wall, just because it was a Picasso. Also in one gallery there were two teddybears tied together and hung from the ceiling, which I really donĀ“t see as art as much as you want to be abstract. Many sculptures that were really cool however and as I said before some splendid photography.

So yes here for a day and a bit longer. Apparently there is a party at the hostel tonight which given how small the kitchen is should be interesting!


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