One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The wheels on the bus...

In Florinapolis, IVU starts tommorrow.

The 17 and a half hour bus trip from Rio was alot nicer than I expected. Given I usually get bus travel sickness I was very impressed. The buses are really nice they have leg room (for tall people, not just short people like me) and reclining seats (and I don´t mean 5 degree recline you get on plane seats). Pillows and blankets. Snacks and frequent stops. And they are alot cheaper and nicer than flying. And I ended sitting next to a nice local lady who spoke english, thought I was 16, who was nursing a pot plant (and explained all about different plants), looks after the local stray dogs and gave me her number just in case anything happens and I need help.

Staying at the YHA for tonight. I may go out to a sXe concert if I can get in contact with vegan cohorts. Then off to where the conference is tommorrow. It´s Sunday and not alot seems open.

Also got some bad news abotu the health of a friend this week which has upset me a fair bit too.


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