One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Leaving Olinda.

Am back in Rio after 40+ hours on the bus. My last few days in Olinda were rather enjoyable, despite the weather being less than it´s usual glorious self.

Spent last wednesday night out in the Forroe club, though left somewhat early due to smoke, exhaustion and the need to get up early in the morning. Had an enjoyable class on Thursday followed by another dancing lesson.

We did Calypso and Frevo dancing. Calypso being much more difficult than one could imagine and Frevo leaving my thighs sore for several days. Frevo is the local dance of Recife and involves lots of jumping up and down and twirling a little umbrella. All good (if a little painful) fun.

Patrick and I discovered that the revolution had indeed begun and didn´t have any students on Friday. I must point out this is due to a dispute over bus tickets (or lack thereof) which are part of their wages than anything else. So we pottered around old Olinda for a bit. A few of us went to a nice little Italian place for dinner which was enjoyable then hung about São Pedro square for the evening.

Caught the bus on Saturday afternoon and arrive in Rio early yesterday afternoon. As far as long bus trips go it wasn´t too bad.

It has occured to me that my time in Olinda is the longest I have spent in any one place in almost a year. The previous longest was mid December 2003- early March 2004 which I spent in Perth, which is kinda scary. I met some really lovely people, saw some really funky things and found a climate type that my body seems to enjoy.

UPDATE: I forgot to add earlier that walking back home last Friday (at about midnight) one of the 24hour funeral parlours was totally going off with loud music, dancing and many festivities. Who says the dead can´t party on?


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