One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Pink elephants on parade...

Actually they were grey asiatic elephants. And they were very cute. Went to the Friends of the Asiatic Elephant Hospital and the Elephant Conservation Centre. Our guide runs a permiculture garden, has studied organics, invited us to a peace rally and was very excited to know that Simon was a linux freak becuase they were "trying to use Windows less". Yes hippy geeks are everywhere!

Just a quick post to say I'm in Chang Mai, all is well, this place has got to be a vegetarian utopia with well over 25 pure vegie places and every other second place offering a decent vegetarian menu. Did a cooking course yesterday which was great fun. Ate lots there too.

Tonight we ate at a place called THC (which had more tobacco than anything else) which was upstairs with an open roof, pillows on the floor, to die for smoothies, yummy curries, strange people to talk to and Australian hip hop playing. Very cool.

Will rant more about Chang Mai later, Simon is looking very sleepy and we need to be up early too.



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