One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Well I'm in Prague which was the city everyone said "You have to go there, it's really amazing/cool/funky/pretty." I must say that they were right. There is some fantastic architecture here, though it is insanely touristy. Also they have street art similar to the lions in Singapore, but instead with different painted Cow statues.

Helsinki (aka Nokialand- yes I saw it advertised like that!) was great, I really liked it, got a few nice clear, but still cold, days which were lovely to walk around in. Went to the City Museum, which had bullet holes from one of the wars in the front door and did a self guided walking tour, the details for which I got from the uber friendly information centre people. The market square was lovely, lots of food, fish (including a lady selling it straight off her boat), furs and crafts. On the last day the girl I was sharing a dorm with, Laura, one of her friends and I went for a walk to a flea market where there was a distinct lack of fleas but still pretty fun.

Also spent a day in Tallinn. The old part of Tallinn is a sweet medieval town (nothing new has been built in about 400 years or so). It's really great with turrents, cobbled winding lanes, big fancy churches and a town square. Lots of little stores selling handy crafts like pottery and woolen hats.

Having a great time in Prague, the hostel I'm staying at is really friendly and I'm finally getting over the sore throat/lung problem after reluctantly starting antibiotics. It's alot easier to take them when you are told you aren't allowed out of hospital until you do, rather than having to make the choice yourself thinking "oh I'll just give it another day..." Drank "young wine" the name of which I forget but it was really thick with the consistency of juice, but tasted like a very sweet wine yesterday. Went to the Museum of Sex Machines which had really old porn, a big display on corsets, old style peepshow box and a bondage room to name just a few of the interesting things. Also one of the guys who works at the hostel took a few of us for a long walk to see stuff yesterday, which was really nice as it was his day off. We went up to the castle and back across Charles Bridge and a few other places too.

So yes, alive, well and having fun. Also found a place selling vegan central European pastries. Hmm, cake...


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