One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

One last crossing.

Well I'm in Chile now, the last country before I fly back to the merry old land of Oz. In the town of Arica, which is surrounded by the desert on one side and the Pacific on the other. It's such a lively beach town. I head south on a 22 hour bus trip tommorrow (yay for busey goodness!) for a few days stop then on to Santiago for my flight to Sydney.

So what else have I been doing? Well after Lake Titicaca I bussed to Arequipa then spent two days out in the Colca Cayon amoungst fields of corn and quinoa. I am addicted to quinoa and fresh cocoa tea. Saw three of the four Andean camalids, very pretty though desert-like scenery, some eagles, other birds and condors.

The condors are amazing to behold. When someone tells you a bird has the wingspand of 2.5-3m you never quite belive it until they are swooping 5 or 6 metres above your head! Spent over an hour watching the birds fly around the canyon and be, well, bird like.

Also made it to the highest point yet, 4800m asl. There were rocks, and some snow covered volcanic mountains in the distance but not alot else.

More details later when I don't have to go eat.


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