One planet at a time...

"If adventures do not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." -Jane Austen

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Chivarly is not dead. Come to South America.

For the past five months I've had to get used to people offering to carry my bags, open doors for me, help me in and out of vehicles, over logs and other such generous acts because I happen to have two X chromosomes. As in I've seen men not get offered any of these fine services.

It was International Women's Day yesterday. Which makes me wonder about a International Men's Day. Or a International Transgendered Day. And given I only actively celibrate New Years Eve and World Vegan Day as important days of choice, it's a day I usually forget about.

Anyhow, usually it's a day for ranty feminazi's to go "ooer we're oppressed" or to protest against skimpy barmaids or some other tripe at home (which apparently they did in Broome).

But not here, no they gave all the ladies at the market I was at yesterday roses. And whilst usually I find the idea of giving someone plant reproductive organs rather pointless and bordering on insulting, it wasn't from someone trying to make up for cheating on me, nor trying to get into a relationship. Which made it a really lovely gesture.

Chivarly is nice. I may even let someone carry my bag for me at some point. I know how much it weighs too ;) (Well I did say I went to a market!)